Acknowledgements: plaso Copyright 2012 The Plaso Project Authors. Please see the AUTHORS file for details on individual authors. Plaso is a Python rewrite of the log2timeline Perl version. Plaso is developed and maintained by: * Kristinn Gudjonsson * Eric Mak * Joachim Metz Plaso depends on various other projects. So thanks to the authors and others involved with these projects: * Python and modules * libyaml * iPython * PyInstaller * the SleuthKit * pytsk * Hachoir (not included in binary release) Thanks to contributors (alphabetically based on last name): * Brian Baskin * Parsers * BEncode * Java IDX parser * Johan Berggren * SQLite plugins * Zeitgeist activity database * Petter Bjelland * Parsers * Firefox Cache * Ashley Holtz * Parsers * IIS * Adobe ColdFusion * Dominique Kilman * Parsers * PCAP * Marc Leavitt * Parsers * PL-SQL recall (PLSRecall.dat) * Preston Miller *Windows Registry Plugins * SAM Users * Shutdown * USB * Joaquin Moreno Garijo * Parsers * ASL * BSM * Cups IPP * Mac AppFirewall * Mac KeyChain * Mac Securityd * mac_wifi.log * utmp * utmpx * SQLite plugins * Skype * Plist plugins * Airport * Apple Account * Install History * Mac User * Software Update * Spotlight * TimeMachine * David Nides (@davnads) * Output modules * 4n6time SQLite, with thanks to Eric Wong for assistance * 4n6time MySQL * Parsers * Hachoir (meta data) * OLECF * OMXL * Symantec AV Log * timelib StringToDatetime function * SQLite plugins * Google Drive * Windows Registry plugins * Office MRU * Outlook * Terminal Server Client (RDP) * Typed Paths * Typed URLs * USBStor * Win7 UserAssist * WinRar * Patrik Nisen * For providing input for parsing the DestList stream for the automatic destinations OLECF plugin * Francesco Picasso * Parsers * PopContest * SELinux * SkyDriveLog * SkyDriveLogErr * XChatLog * XChatScrollBack * Jordi Sanchez * For providing: * binplist * object filter * Elizabeth Schweinsberg * Parsers * McAfee AV Access Protection Log * Windows Registry plugins * MSIE zones * Marc Séguin * Windows Registry plugins * CCleaner * Keith Wall * SQLite plugins * Android calls database * Android sms database * updates to the timezone transformation Test data: Copied with permission from the GRR project: * History * index.dat * places.sqlite Copied with permission granted by Jerome Marty. * Copied with permission granted by Rob Lee. Copyright SANS Institute - Digital Forensics and Incident Response. * 1b4dd67f29cb1962.automaticDestinations-ms * 5afe4de1b92fc382.customDestinations-ms * example.lnk * SysEvent.Evt * System.evtx * Ntuser.dat (multiple instances) * Windows.edb