515 lines
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515 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2012 The Plaso Project Authors.
# Please see the AUTHORS file for details on individual authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""An LL(1) lexer. This lexer is very tolerant of errors and can resync.
This lexer is originally copied from the GRR project:
import logging
import re
class Token(object):
"""A token action."""
def __init__(self, state_regex, regex, actions, next_state, flags=re.I):
"""Initializes the token object.
state_regex: If this regular expression matches the current state this
rule is considered.
regex: A regular expression to try and match from the current point.
actions: A command separated list of method names in the Lexer to call.
next_state: The next state we transition to if this Token matches.
flags: re flags.
self.state_regex = re.compile(
state_regex, re.DOTALL | re.M | re.S | re.U | flags)
self.regex = re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL | re.M | re.S | re.U | flags)
self.re_str = regex
self.actions = []
if actions:
self.actions = actions.split(',')
self.next_state = next_state
def Action(self, lexer):
"""Method is called when the token matches."""
class Error(Exception):
"""Module exception."""
class ParseError(Error):
"""A parse error occured."""
class Lexer(object):
"""A generic feed lexer."""
_ERROR_TOKEN = 'Error'
# A list of Token() instances.
tokens = []
def __init__(self, data=''):
"""Initializes the lexer object."""
super(Lexer, self).__init__()
self.buffer = data
self.error = 0
self.flags = 0
self.processed = 0
self.processed_buffer = ''
self.state = self._INITIAL_STATE
self.state_stack = []
self.verbose = 0
def NextToken(self):
"""Fetch the next token by trying to match any of the regexes in order."""
current_state = self.state
for token in self.tokens:
# Does the rule apply to us?
if not token.state_regex.match(current_state):
# Try to match the rule
m = token.regex.match(self.buffer)
if not m:
# The match consumes the data off the buffer (the handler can put it back
# if it likes)
# TODO: using joins might be more efficient here.
self.processed_buffer += self.buffer[:m.end()]
self.buffer = self.buffer[m.end():]
self.processed += m.end()
next_state = token.next_state
for action in token.actions:
# Is there a callback to handle this action?
callback = getattr(self, action, self.Default)
# Allow a callback to skip other callbacks.
possible_next_state = callback(string=m.group(0), match=m)
if possible_next_state == self._CONTINUE_STATE:
# Override the state from the Token
elif possible_next_state:
next_state = possible_next_state
except ParseError as exception:
# Update the next state
if next_state:
self.state = next_state
return token
# Check that we are making progress - if we are too full, we assume we are
# stuck.
self.Error(u'Expected {0:s}'.format(self.state))
self.processed_buffer += self.buffer[:1]
self.buffer = self.buffer[1:]
return self._ERROR_TOKEN
def Feed(self, data):
"""Feed the buffer with data."""
self.buffer = ''.join([self.buffer, data])
def Empty(self):
"""Return a boolean indicating if the buffer is empty."""
return not self.buffer
def Default(self, **kwarg):
"""The default callback handler."""
logging.debug(u'Default handler: {0:s}'.format(kwarg))
def Error(self, message=None, weight=1):
"""Log an error down."""
logging.debug(u'Error({0:d}): {1:s}'.format(weight, message))
# Keep a count of errors
self.error += weight
def PushState(self, **_):
"""Push the current state on the state stack."""
logging.debug(u'Storing state {0:s}'.format(repr(self.state)))
def PopState(self, **_):
"""Pop the previous state from the stack."""
self.state = self.state_stack.pop()
logging.debug(u'Returned state to {0:s}'.format(self.state))
return self.state
except IndexError:
u'Tried to pop the state but failed - possible recursion error')
def PushBack(self, string='', **_):
"""Push the match back on the stream."""
self.buffer = string + self.buffer
self.processed_buffer = self.processed_buffer[:-len(string)]
def Close(self):
"""A convenience function to force us to parse all the data."""
while self.NextToken():
if not self.buffer:
class SelfFeederMixIn(Lexer):
"""This mixin is used to make a lexer which feeds itself.
Note that self.file_object must be the file object we read from.
# TODO: fix this, file object either needs to be set or not passed here.
def __init__(self, file_object=None):
"""Initializes the lexer feeder min object.
file_object: Optional file-like object. The default is None.
super(SelfFeederMixIn, self).__init__()
self.file_object = file_object
def NextToken(self):
"""Return the next token."""
# If we don't have enough data - feed ourselves: We assume
# that we must have at least one sector in our buffer.
if len(self.buffer) < 512:
if self.Feed() == 0 and not self.buffer:
return None
return Lexer.NextToken(self)
def Feed(self, size=512):
"""Feed data into the buffer."""
data = self.file_object.read(size)
Lexer.Feed(self, data)
return len(data)
class Expression(object):
"""A class representing an expression."""
attribute = None
args = None
operator = None
# The expected number of args
number_of_args = 1
def __init__(self):
"""Initializes the expression object."""
self.args = []
def SetAttribute(self, attribute):
"""Set the attribute."""
self.attribute = attribute
def SetOperator(self, operator):
"""Set the operator."""
self.operator = operator
def AddArg(self, arg):
"""Adds a new arg to this expression.
arg: The argument to add (string).
True if this arg is the last arg, False otherwise.
ParseError: If there are too many args.
if len(self.args) > self.number_of_args:
raise ParseError(u'Too many args for this expression.')
elif len(self.args) == self.number_of_args:
return True
return False
def __str__(self):
"""Return a string representation of the expression."""
return 'Expression: ({0:s}) ({1:s}) {2:s}'.format(
self.attribute, self.operator, self.args)
# TODO: rename this function to GetTreeAsString or equivalent.
def PrintTree(self, depth=''):
"""Print the tree."""
return u'{0:s} {1:s}'.format(depth, self)
def Compile(self, unused_filter_implemention):
"""Given a filter implementation, compile this expression."""
raise NotImplementedError(
u'{0:s} does not implement Compile.'.format(self.__class__.__name__))
class BinaryExpression(Expression):
"""An expression which takes two other expressions."""
def __init__(self, operator='', part=None):
"""Initializes the expression object."""
self.operator = operator
self.args = []
if part:
super(BinaryExpression, self).__init__()
def __str__(self):
"""Return a string representation of the binary expression."""
return 'Binary Expression: {0:s} {1:s}'.format(
self.operator, [str(x) for x in self.args])
def AddOperands(self, lhs, rhs):
"""Add an operant."""
if isinstance(lhs, Expression) and isinstance(rhs, Expression):
self.args = [lhs, rhs]
raise ParseError(u'Expected expression, got {0:s} {1:s} {2:s}'.format(
lhs, self.operator, rhs))
# TODO: rename this function to GetTreeAsString or equivalent.
def PrintTree(self, depth=''):
"""Print the tree."""
result = u'{0:s}{1:s}\n'.format(depth, self.operator)
for part in self.args:
result += u'{0:s}-{1:s}\n'.format(depth, part.PrintTree(depth + ' '))
return result
def Compile(self, filter_implemention):
"""Compile the binary expression into a filter object."""
operator = self.operator.lower()
if operator == 'and' or operator == '&&':
method = 'AndFilter'
elif operator == 'or' or operator == '||':
method = 'OrFilter'
raise ParseError(u'Invalid binary operator {0:s}'.format(operator))
args = [x.Compile(filter_implemention) for x in self.args]
return getattr(filter_implemention, method)(*args)
class IdentityExpression(Expression):
"""An Expression which always evaluates to True."""
def Compile(self, filter_implemention):
"""Compile the expression."""
return filter_implemention.IdentityFilter()
class SearchParser(Lexer):
"""This parser can parse the mini query language and build an AST.
Examples of valid syntax:
filename contains "foo" and (size > 100k or date before "2011-10")
date between 2011 and 2010
files older than 1 year
expression_cls = Expression
binary_expression_cls = BinaryExpression
tokens = [
# Double quoted string
Token('STRING', '"', 'PopState,StringFinish', None),
Token('STRING', r'\\(.)', 'StringEscape', None),
Token('STRING', r'[^\\"]+', 'StringInsert', None),
# Single quoted string
Token('SQ_STRING', '\'', 'PopState,StringFinish', None),
Token('SQ_STRING', r'\\(.)', 'StringEscape', None),
Token('SQ_STRING', r'[^\\\']+', 'StringInsert', None),
# TODO: Implement a unary not operator.
# The first thing we see in the initial state takes up to the ATTRIBUTE
Token('INITIAL', r'(and|or|\&\&|\|\|)', 'BinaryOperator', None),
Token('INITIAL', r'[^\s\(\)]', 'PushState,PushBack', 'ATTRIBUTE'),
Token('INITIAL', r'\(', 'BracketOpen', None),
Token('INITIAL', r'\)', 'BracketClose', None),
Token('ATTRIBUTE', r'[\w._0-9]+', 'StoreAttribute', 'OPERATOR'),
Token('OPERATOR', r'[a-z0-9<>=\-\+\!\^\&%]+', 'StoreOperator',
Token('OPERATOR', r'(!=|[<>=])', 'StoreSpecialOperator', 'ARG_LIST'),
Token('ARG_LIST', r'[^\s\'"]+', 'InsertArg', None),
# Start a string.
Token('.', '"', 'PushState,StringStart', 'STRING'),
Token('.', '\'', 'PushState,StringStart', 'SQ_STRING'),
# Skip whitespace.
Token('.', r'\s+', None, None),
def __init__(self, data):
"""Initializes the search parser object."""
# Holds expression
self.current_expression = self.expression_cls()
self.filter_string = data
# The token stack
self.stack = []
Lexer.__init__(self, data)
def BinaryOperator(self, string=None, **_):
"""Set the binary operator."""
def BracketOpen(self, **_):
"""Define an open bracket."""
def BracketClose(self, **_):
"""Close the bracket."""
def StringStart(self, **_):
"""Initialize the string."""
self.string = ''
def StringEscape(self, string, match, **_):
"""Escape backslashes found inside a string quote.
Backslashes followed by anything other than ['"rnbt] will just be included
in the string.
string: The string that matched.
match: The match object (m.group(1) is the escaped code)
if match.group(1) in '\'"rnbt':
self.string += string.decode('string_escape')
self.string += string
def StringInsert(self, string='', **_):
"""Add to the string."""
self.string += string
def StringFinish(self, **_):
"""Finish the string operation."""
if self.state == 'ATTRIBUTE':
return self.StoreAttribute(string=self.string)
elif self.state == 'ARG_LIST':
return self.InsertArg(string=self.string)
def StoreAttribute(self, string='', **_):
"""Store the attribute."""
logging.debug(u'Storing attribute {0:s}'.format(repr(string)))
# TODO: Update the expected number_of_args
except AttributeError:
raise ParseError(u'Invalid attribute \'{0:s}\''.format(string))
return 'OPERATOR'
def StoreOperator(self, string='', **_):
"""Store the operator."""
logging.debug(u'Storing operator {0:s}'.format(repr(string)))
def InsertArg(self, string='', **_):
"""Insert an arg to the current expression."""
logging.debug(u'Storing Argument {0:s}'.format(string))
# This expression is complete
if self.current_expression.AddArg(string):
self.current_expression = self.expression_cls()
return self.PopState()
def _CombineBinaryExpressions(self, operator):
"""Combine binary expressions."""
for i in range(1, len(self.stack)-1):
item = self.stack[i]
if (isinstance(item, BinaryExpression) and item.operator == operator and
isinstance(self.stack[i-1], Expression) and
isinstance(self.stack[i+1], Expression)):
lhs = self.stack[i-1]
rhs = self.stack[i+1]
self.stack[i].AddOperands(lhs, rhs)
self.stack[i-1] = None
self.stack[i+1] = None
self.stack = filter(None, self.stack)
def _CombineParenthesis(self):
"""Combine parenthesis."""
for i in range(len(self.stack)-2):
if (self.stack[i] == '(' and self.stack[i+2] == ')' and
isinstance(self.stack[i+1], Expression)):
self.stack[i] = None
self.stack[i+2] = None
self.stack = filter(None, self.stack)
def Reduce(self):
"""Reduce the token stack into an AST."""
# Check for sanity
if self.state != 'INITIAL':
self.Error(u'Premature end of expression')
length = len(self.stack)
while length > 1:
# Precendence order
# No change
if len(self.stack) == length:
length = len(self.stack)
if length != 1:
self.Error(u'Illegal query expression')
return self.stack[0]
def Error(self, message=None, unused_weight=1):
"""Raise an error message."""
raise ParseError(u'{0:s} in position {1:s}: {2:s} <----> {3:s} )'.format(
message, len(self.processed_buffer), self.processed_buffer,
def Parse(self):
if not self.filter_string:
return IdentityExpression()
return self.Reduce()