368 lines
14 KiB
Protocol Buffer
368 lines
14 KiB
Protocol Buffer
// Copyright 2012 The Plaso Project Authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details on individual authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: Kristinn Gudjonsson <kristinn at log2timeline dot net>>
// This is the main protobuf for event storage in plaso.o
syntax = "proto2";
package plaso_storage;
// Each EventObject can contain any attribute
// as long as it can be expressed in any of the supported
// formats (eg, string, int, array, dict).
// This can be looked as a hash or a dict object, with a key
// and a value values.
message Attribute {
// The key to the dict object, something like 'username'.
required string key = 1;
// If the value is a string.
optional string string = 2;
// If the value is an integer.
optional int64 integer = 3;
// If the value is an array.
optional Array array = 4;
// If the value is a dictionary.
optional Dict dict = 5;
// If the value is a boolean value.
optional bool boolean = 6;
// If we have a "raw" byte value.
optional bytes data = 7;
// If we have a "float" value.
optional float float = 8;
// If there is a None value (happens).
optional bool none = 9;
// A list of of Attributes, to build up a dictionary.
message Dict {
repeated Attribute attributes = 1;
// A value, used for lists or arrays.
message Value {
optional int64 integer = 1;
optional string string = 2;
optional bytes data = 3;
optional Array array = 4;
optional Dict dict = 5;
optional bool boolean = 6;
optional float float = 7;
optional bool none = 8;
// A list of values, either integers or strings, to make up an array.
message Array {
repeated Value values = 1;
// Each event read by the tool is stored as an EventObject,
// an EventObject contains certain fixed sets of attributes
// and it can also store any additional attributes.
// This message stores the main attributes inside the each record
// instead of nesting them possibly deep down.
message EventObject {
// The timestamp is presented as a 64 bit Unix Epoch time,
// stored in UTC.
optional int64 timestamp = 1;
// A short description of the meaning of the timestamp.
// This could be something as 'File Written', 'Last Written',
// 'Page Visited', 'File Downloaded', or something like that.
optional string timestamp_desc = 2;
// The type of the event data stored in the attributes.
required string data_type = 3;
// A list of all the stored attributes within the event.
repeated Attribute attributes = 4;
// The timezone of the source where the timestamp came from.
optional string timezone = 5;
// The filename from where the event was extracted from.
optional string filename = 6;
optional string display_name = 7;
// The full PathSpec where the file was extracted from.
optional bytes pathspec = 8;
// The offset into the original file from where the event came from.
optional int64 offset = 9;
// Information about where this object is stored, added by the storage
// library to make it easier to quickly recover the EventObject from
// the storage file.
optional int64 store_number = 10;
optional int64 store_index = 11;
// EventTagging is a message that can be added that include information
// about coloring, tagging or comments that this object contains.
optional EventTagging tag = 12;
// Description of the origin of the event in generic terms that
// mostly adhere to the definition of the TLN format.
// TODO: Remove this field from the EventObject message.
enum SourceShort {
AV = 1; // All Anti-Virus engine log files.
BACK = 2; // Information from backup points, eg. restore points, VSS.
EVT = 3; // EventLog entries, both the EVT format and EVTX.
EXIF = 4; // EXIF information.
FILE = 5; // FILE related information, mactime information.
LOG = 6; // Generic log file, most log files should fit this.
LNK = 7; // Shortcut or link files.
LSO = 8; // Flash cookies, or Local Shared Objects.
META = 9; // Metadata information.
PLIST = 10; // Information extracted from plist files.
RAM = 11; // Information extracted from RAM.
RECBIN = 12; // Recycle bin or deleted items.
REG = 13; // Registry information.
WEBHIST = 14; // Browser history.
TORRENT = 15; // Torrent files.
JOB = 16; // Scheduled tasks or jobs.
// The category or short description of the source.
// TODO: Remove this field from the EventObject message.
optional SourceShort source_short = 13;
// The short description is not sufficient to describe the source
// of the event. A longer source field is therefore provided to add
// more context to the source. The source_long field should not be
// long, two or three words should be sufficient for most parts.
// The field is not strictly defined, it should just be short and
// fully descriptive.
// Example field names are:
// Chrome Browser History
// Chrome Download History
// Recycle Bin
// NTUSER.DAT Registry
// Sophos AV Log
// TODO: Remove this field from the EventObject message.
optional string source_long = 14;
// Include common attribute names to flatten out the storage.
// The name of the parser used to extract this item.
optional string parser = 15;
// The integer value of the inode of the file this entry is extracted from.
optional int64 inode = 16;
// The extracted hostname this entry came from.
optional string hostname = 17;
// The name of the plugin that was used, if applicable.
optional string plugin = 18;
// For Windows Registry files, defines the type of registry, eg: NTUSER, SAM.
optional string registry_type = 19;
// Boolean value that indicates whether the file was allocated or not.
optional bool allocated = 20;
// For filesystem records, defines the type of filesystem, eg: NTFS, FAT.
optional string fs_type = 21;
// Many parsers attempt to recover partially deleted entries, this boolean
// value is present in those parsers and indicates whether this particular
// entry is recovered or not.
optional bool recovered = 22;
// Contains the record number in log files that contain sequential
// information, such as Windows EventLog.
optional int64 record_number = 23;
// If the file being parsed contains different sources, such as "Security" or
// other similar source types it can be stored here.
optional string source_name = 24;
// Some log files, such as the EventLog, stores information about from which
// computer this particular entry came from. Often used in log files that can
// consolidate entries from more than a single host.
optional string computer_name = 25;
// Few entries that are specific to Windows EventLog entries, common enough
// to get specially defined attributes.
optional int64 event_identifier = 26;
optional int64 event_level = 27;
optional string xml_string = 28;
optional Array strings = 29;
// Some files contain information about the username that produced the
// extracted record.
optional string username = 30;
// Sometimes the username is not available but a SID or a UID.
optional string user_sid = 31;
// A field indicating the size of a cache file.
optional int64 cached_file_size = 32;
// Mostly used in browser history plugins referencing the number of times
// someone visited that particular entry.
optional int64 number_of_hits = 33;
// Used in MSIECF to indicate the index name of the cache directory.
optional int64 cache_directory_index = 34;
// Mostly used in browser history plugins. Contains the title of the web
// visited web page (store in <head><title> tag).
optional string title = 35;
// Several parsers extract metadata items from events and store them
// in a dictionary.
optional Dict metadata = 36;
// An URL extracted from things like browser history.
optional string url = 37;
// Windows registry keyname attribute.
optional string keyname = 38;
// Extracted values from a Windows registry key.
optional Dict regvalue = 39;
// Some text based parsers define this attribute for their text
// representation.
optional string text = 40;
// The UUID is a hex string that uniquely identifies the EventObject.
optional string uuid = 41;
// The EventTagging is a simple message that describes comments,
// color information or tagging of EventObjects. This information
// is usually manually added by an investigator and can be used
// to add more context to certain events.
message EventTagging {
// Description of where the EventObject is stored that this
// tag is describing. It is necessary to either define these
// two values or the event_uuid, otherwise it will not be
// possible to locate the event object this belongs to.
optional int64 store_number = 1;
optional int64 store_index = 2;
// An arbitrary string that contains a comment describing
// observations the investigator has about this EventObject.
optional string comment = 3;
// Color information, used in some front-ends to make this
// event stand out. This should be either a simple description
// of the color, eg "red", "yellow", etc or a HTML color code,
// eg: "#E11414".
optional string color = 4;
// A short string or a tag that describes that can be used to
// group together events that are related to one another, eg
// "Malware", "Entry Point", "Event of Interest", etc.
message Tag {
required string value = 1;
repeated Tag tags = 5;
// An UUID value of the particular event object that this tag
// belongs to. This value has to be set if the store_number and
// store_index are not know at the time of tagging.
optional string event_uuid = 6;
// The EventGroup is a simple mechanism to describe a group of
// events that belong to the same action or behavior. This is
// a simple mechanism to store this information so a front-end
// can collapse all these events into a single source.
message EventGroup {
// The name of the EventGroup, what is displayed in the front-end
// as a substitute for the other events, should be descriptive
// of the events that are grouped together, as in "USB Drive inserted",
// or "User Logged On".
required string name = 1;
// Optional longer description of the group, giving a more detailed
// description of what the grouping describes or why these events
// were grouped together.
optional string description = 2;
// If these events contain a timestamp it can be beneficial to
// include the timerange of events this group spans. That time range
// can be described by the first and last timestamp that is contained
// within the group.
optional int64 first_timestamp = 3;
optional int64 last_timestamp = 4;
// Optional color information that can be used in the front-end
// to give color information about the group. This can be described
// as a simple color, eg: "red", "orange", "green" or as a HTML
// color code, eg "#E11414".
optional string color = 5;
// If this group of events falls into a specific category it can
// be included here, eg: "User Behavior", "Malware Related", etc.
optional string category = 6;
// Information about which EventObjects are included in this group.
// The information is stored in an attribute called EventDescription
// that simply defines where the EventObjects are stored so they can
// be easily identified and recovered.
message EventDescription {
// Description of where these events are stored within the storage
// file.
required int64 store_number = 1;
required int64 store_index = 2;
repeated EventDescription events = 7;
// The PreProcess protobuf is a simple message that stores information
// gathered from the preprocessing stage of plaso.
message PreProcess {
// Storing information about the runtime of the tool.
optional Dict collection_information = 1;
// A dict that contains information about counters stored within the
// the store.
optional Dict counter = 2;
// A list value that depicts the range of store numbers this particular
// PreProcess message applies to.
optional Array store_range = 3;
// All attributes that each preprocessing module produces gets stored
// inside this field.
repeated Attribute attributes = 4;
// A dict that contains information about plugin counters.
optional Dict plugin_counter = 5;
// The AnalysisReport object is a simple message describing a report
// created from an analysis plugin.
message AnalysisReport {
// Name of the analysis plugin that created this report.
optional string plugin_name = 1;
// The timestamp of when this report was created.
optional int64 time_compiled = 2;
// The actual report content, the free flowing text.
// The text will have few notations possible:
// {image:X} - Where X is an integer, indicating the entry number
// inside the images field (counter starting from zero).
// This will indicate where images should be included in the
// final displayed report.
// {heading_start} / {heading_end}: An indication of main header.
// {subheading_start} / {subheading_end}: An indication of a subheader.
// This is no way meant as a "HTML/XML look-alike" in terms of definitions.
// This is merely a very simple implementation that only contains these
// "special" tags, meant to make it easier to export the final report in a
// HTML or any other format for later viewing.
optional string text = 3;
// Optional repeated field of images that can be saved as binary data.
repeated bytes images = 4;
// Some reports may contain counters, or some statistics that can be
// retrieved later on for additional analysis or processing.
optional Dict report_dict = 5;
optional Array report_array = 6;
// If a filter string was used on the output, it's saved here.
optional string filter_string = 7;